Monday, July 11, 2005

TomKat in Rome...again

I don't know...these guys just do the same things over and over again. Here they are back in Rome again...this time with Tom's kids: Conor and Isabella (who they just seem to have left behind while they hurry to get into the car)...Katie has assumed the permanent position of always staying 3 paces behind....but that's same old same old...that doesn't bother me...

You know what's bothering me? You know that girl in the front seat? THAT's Isabella. I looked at the photo around 5 times still thinking it was Katie....and ummm...I find that disturbing.

Don't believe me? Look at the jacket...oh...and by the way...that little boy...does not look adopted...does anyone else think he looks a lot like Tom? Seriously.


Anonymous said...

I always thought Celine Dion and her ancient husband who met her when she was 6 years old were the most creepy couple in showbiz.

Now thanks to Elisa I have a new disturbing thought that I won't be able to get out of my head for a while.

Keep up the good work,
Yail Bloor

Jack B. said...

I've pointed out on my blog that the older Tom-tom get the younger his female companions get. I bet a few years from now after he ditches Katie or she ditches him (and we all know it will happen, contract or not) his next girlfriend will be the around the same age as his daughter and he will be just as madly "in love" with her.

Outside of Lisa Marie/Jacko I've never seen a showbiz couple so obviously putting on a show (or act depending on how you see it) for the cameras.

Anonymous said...

Okay that freaks me out and I've been tracking this for a while now. I keep thinking nothing will surprise me but that is strange. Thanks for sharing your research at

Anonymous said...

I'm a mother and sometimes my daughter sits in front with her dad. She thinks it's's really not that big a deal.

Elisita said...'s not about WHERE she's's about who she resembles...