Sunday, August 10, 2008

The New New Face

New York magazine has a huge look into the new direction from plastic surgery. They have comped up a face (below) that is the 'ideal' - and discovered that facial beauty is not about tightness, rather it's about plumpness, volume, and softness. To me, girlfriend below looks like some washed up, coked up euro-trash, but I perhaps that's the new hot?

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Apparently Madge, Demi etc have created this face for themselves as well....which is where I run into trouble with this new 'craze'. The price for this face is around $30,000 USD.

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Anonymous said...

I totally 100% agree w/ you! That face is scary! And, unnatural! I'll stick w/ my "unideal" face! lol

DrDiSaia said...

Trends in plastic surgery can sometimes be scary. I tend to be a "traditionalist."