Monday, July 02, 2007

Happy Birthday Liv

Liv turns 30...and I'll be honest. Girl looks about 10 years younger than me.

and (yes, it's a slow news day) in other news...this is Courtney Cox doing what she does best...not much. I don't know what it is about Courtney...she's so vanilla, but not in obnoxious played-up M-Aniston way...I can't help but like her. She's got that mysterious quality whereby she never seems to age.


Anonymous said...

Oh LIV!! I love her, she's pale and chunky but in a sickenigly beautiful way. If I could make up and be anyone else it would be her.

Courteney, you're right she's weirdly vanilla but JUST interesting enough to be consistent. I guess being married to Mr. Arquette helps. I dunno, she's like natural vanilla with the little back bits, it's not your fave but you find yourself linking it once in a while!!


Anonymous said...

Courtney Cox possesses an under-appreciated beauty i think