Monday, July 16, 2007

Posh Spice is melting my heart a little

It's actually really hard to say this but uh...I think I'm warming to her....o.k. I need to lie down right now.

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Anonymous said...

Ya know, with the trend for vapid, talentless bimbos, Vicky kinda bucks a new trend towards women that pull the wonk but also have a decent personality.

It's kinda strange, like looking at two people. You see her in photos with the obvious sulky look and model poses and you have to hate her a bit for being so fake. Then you see her in an interview and she's a noce, friendly and down to earth woman.

I honestly believe that this relity show will help them in the US a lot because they'll see that she's not just a pouty face but also a nice person.

I kinda feel like she's been very clever about her entrance over here- just ridiculous enough yet just friendly enough.

Fpr me she's confusing. Love the girl, hate the legend...


Anonymous said...

It must be the heat, Elisa.
Go and get a cold shower :))))

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised how much I like her too!