Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Jennifer Love Hewitt.

I am now officially lumping her in with the Sabrina the Teenage Witch. I could never work out why they were popular during their initial 15 minutes of fame, and I sure as hell can't work out why they continue to be photographed today. Two words: hot mess.


Anonymous said...

I only have one word: CANKLES! Damn...are those legs or tree stumps?

Anonymous said...

She is really a kind of old fashioned christian nice person.

Anonymous said...

they had 15 minutes of fame and now they are living 15 years of lame!! erh she looks like she is at bible school.

Anonymous said...

Bible school my ass!! I've seen her around Burbank, CA several times.. she is nothing but a no talent, full of herself BITCH!!
Seriously, she thinks waaay too much of herself!

Anonymous said...

URGH!! Whatever side of the religious fence she is squinting/smiling from, what's up with the sneakers and dress look. OYE!! As if the 80s Miami Vice sailor dress isn't cause enough for alarm...

I'd make a sarcastic comment but I'm too busy holding back the vom.
