Wednesday, September 20, 2006

I don't think Fergie appreciates the "meth-face" nickname

Fergie is trying to rustle up attention for her god-awful new album by any means necessary...she's hashing and re-hashing (no pun intended) her boring meth-addiction...with a specific warning to homosexual men! She also is not feeling the bloggers of this which I'd like to include myself...
"I just think, 'Wow, I've worked so hard for this, but what are you people doing other than sitting there behind your computers and talking shit about people?'
Fergie baby...your first single sucks...that's just ummm...telling the truth. The fact that you get paid for doing your awful stuff should make you a little less sensitive to the evil people behind their computers...who incidientally, probably don't have meth-faces.
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Anonymous said...

Oh Miss Elisa, you go!

As if blogging isn't doing anything. You can only have a life if your sample (steal) and make the most commercial, mediocre music around? And have meth face?

Puhleez Fergie.

Anonymous said...

i hate her... new set of horse teeth. beats hillary's.

Anonymous said...

she's just bitter because every blog on the www had pics of her peeing her pants on stage.

Waaa waaa cry into a bag of money.