Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Poor Steve Irwin croaks

The Crocodile Hunter, at 44 is dead. Australians are going a little nuts here...bizarrre since noone here seemed to give care about him before he died, his show wasn't shown on television.

Kids are crying, people are comparing him to JFK and Diana, and even a modern day Noah. Poor Steve got pierced in the heart by a stingray barb while filming a segment for his daughter's show. His death was captured on camera and he left behind a wife and two children.
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Anonymous said...

"Daniel, 11, asked: "Why did it have to be Steve Irwin? Why couldn't it be someone older like Sean Connery?""


Anonymous said...

What dissapoints me about Steve's death was that is was by a StingRay. I've seen petting Zoo's that have Sting Ray petting. When I would think about how Steve would die, it usually included a Crocodile, Lion or even a Dragon, but a Sting Ray?

Nonetheless, he will be missed.

Anonymous said...

I figured that a poisonous snake or a bad move with a big croc would do him in, not a stingray. Poor Terri and kids. I heard that the fact that he pulled out the barb himself may have killed him. Often times stabbing victims survive because the foreign object blocks the blood flow and once in surgery under controlled conditions they can remove it safely. RIP Steve.

Kitty - The Librarian Fox said...

RIP Steve. You were a legend!

Anonymous said...

I thought he was a very cool guy. He'll be missed.

DrDiSaia said...

The guy did a dangerous job and just for entertainment, but I still feel sorry for his wife and kids.

Anonymous said...

He did his job for entertainment, education and conservation. He made a difference unlike most of us who will come and go without notice. Yes, he will be missed.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Elisa I think you need to pull your head out of Vogue or what ever dark place you keep it buried and get a clue.
Just because Aussie people werent mindlessly blathering about their love for Steve it dosnt mean we didnt feel it and it dosnt mean we are nuts or faking our grief over his passing.
I would guess that just about any Aussie knew exactly who Steve was, and we all knew what he stood for and what he did for the environment and the animals of Australia. We also know that this world is a lesser place without him in it.
Your comments have belittled the emotions and heart of your fellow Australians and I for one am really annoyed by it.

Elisita said...

Hi Pia,
I see where you're coming from, but I think you got me wrong. What I was trying to say was that it's hypocritical of the Australian media to have such a huge reaction to Irwin's death when he was largely ignored as Australia and for the most part seen as a joke (further explained by the article I linked to). ..this is in direct comparison to his popularity in the U.S and Europe. I don't doubt that the Aussies reaction isn't real...but I think we could have gone a long way in appreciating him whilehe was alive. That's my view any way.