Monday, August 14, 2006

Suri is deformed

Basically, whenever a Scientologist says something, you can pretty much be assured that the opposite is true. Apparently Tom and Katie took "Suri" to a party held by Will and fellow-Scientologist Jada Pinkett Smith. One of the guests said:

"Suri is a beautiful baby with no deformities that I could see.

Kid is ugly. Everyone can see that Suri is deformed. QED

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M-M-M-Mishy said...

This kid must be some unreal sort of ugly. Probably going to be the Kimberly Stewart of its generation.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why this commenter referred to deformities at all. It only emphasized something s/he wanted to avoid so badly. Like a Freudian slip, you know.
Still I hope the baby's allright, though.

Cap'n Bob said...

So which is it, is she beautiful or does she look like Tommy?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, how often is the second statement about "deformities" ever made when talking about a baby? Usually people will say, "oh she's just a gorgeous baby. So cute!"

Tom Cruise would get better publicity if he openly embraced his child and started a foundation for whatever is wrong with her.

Chandra said...

she's probably like a siamese twin or maybe she's missing a limb or two. or maybe there is no suri. either way, we all know tom is not public shy and if there was a baby or a non-deformed baby, her face would be shoved in our faces about thousand times by now.