Tuesday, May 09, 2006

At least Brad left Jen for Angelina!

OMG...how would it feel if your husband of 13 years left you...for Tori Spelling? Well, that's the predicament that Mary Jo Eustace is in, and she's milking it for all it's worth in her new book, quite creatively titled "My Husband Left Me For Tori Spelling". Personally, I wouldn't want that kind of news to get around, but to each their own.

I didn't even know Dean McDermott was married, let alone that he had kids! This guy met Tori just 3 weeks after the ex-couple received their adopted daughter and they also have an 7 year old son together. That's pretty low, even for Ho-llywood.

In her book there will be riveting moments such as the time she went to the driver's licence bureau having missed her appointment. "I started to cry and told the guy my husband had left me for Tori Spelling. He let me take my test,".

Full story here.

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M-M-M-Mishy said...

Their children will have very long, thin, horse faces. Oh, and a lot of money, if Grandpa Spelling doesn't cut them off.

Anonymous said...


Cap'n Bob said...

You must understand that no one dates or marries Tori Spelling. They date or marry Aaron Spelling's daughter. That gets one's foot in a very large door.

By the way, Anon, shove your spam where it belongs.