Sunday, May 21, 2006

A bit of vintage Maniston

to put your weekend onto a good start!

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14 comments: said...

And today, she's still man-ish.

Anonymous said...

Oh how low she has fallen.

No. Everybody does not love Maniston
Life after Friends sucks
The dream house has been sold
Brad is having babies with someone hotter.

Cap'n Bob said...

May I suggest that Scott A. Edwards take a flying jump at himself? There's a way to stop these spammers, Elisa. Just ask if you want to know how.

Kitty - The Librarian Fox said...

Looks like she got a stick up her arse but tries to look all natural:P

Anonymous said...

she may be mannish or whatever you want to call her but she is more beautiful than most and richer than everybody combined that reads this site. Her ex is a weak and pathetic pussy who got led away by his dick and consequently had all his hotness drained by the dreaded angelic vagina all men and most women are obsessed about. (i swear is her vagina like count vagula or what??)
She is doing rather nicely at the box office these days and she was very sexy in that purple lacy thing in Derailed.
Fuck all of you haters!

Anonymous said...

Pia is obviously Team Chin. LMAO

Don't worry Pia. Maniston had 7 good years with The Brad Pitt. More than she deserved but you're right at least she has money to keep her warm at night.

Anonymous said...

hey anon 119.
I never cared much for her till now.
I was prol rather jealous of her before, due to all the sexy hype she got which I really didnt see.
I think she has been humiliated through the shinanigans of the new Pitts and i think she has kept her dignity as best she could so kudos to her. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Dear Pia, defending a star you find admirable is quite all right. Dignity and style you refer too, are important for me as well, for example.
But calling us less beautiful and rich than her is a bit too much. I know I know Jennifer is way richer I ever thought I would in this life, but beauty...that's a completely different issue.
Don't get me wrong, I don't think I'm a beauty queen, but my beauty, and the beauty of all real people, who read this site is something more real than those of people in the magazines.
Bottomline: why hurt the real people who read this site?
Or is it just me, who finds your lines offensive?

Anonymous said...

Pia what the hell are you talking about? Shinanigans? Brad has always wanted a family and now he has one. Aniston wants and Oscar and well... good luck to her with that since her last 3 movies in 7 months have bombed - yes bombed- at the boxoffice.

This woman lacks character, not because she doesn't want children, but because she strung a man, who does, along for 7 years. Nothing dignified about that.

Elisita said...

pia...I have to tell you that my readers are hot. kinda not...but I love a Maniston fight...bring it on!

Anonymous said...

Franci I apoligize for causing you offence. I just find the way people attack and judge to be cruel (I really feel for Britney also)
If Jen was seen on the street I do think she would turn some heads.
I dont admire her but i respect the face she has shown the world through this. Humiliation and heartbreak is never easy, imagine it on a stage being watched by millions.

ps. Elisa you are a saucy minx

Anonymous said...

Again, there's a proof that we, readers of this site are way hotter than those we often talk about. We can talk and smooth away things easily. No sues, or horrid fights. (although Elisa might love her some fight :-P)
Thanks, Pia.
Go us!

Anonymous said...

Great make-up job she has going on there. Was that even ok in the 90s?

Sorry, but the only thing that makes her attractive is her fame. I highly doubt she would be that thin or tan or even good looking if she were a regular joe schmoe. She has the money and time to spend on her looks.

But I'm sure she's a nice person :o/

Unknown said...

She is playing a drag queen of the same name,