Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Michael Bolton gets Desperate and Proposes.

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usO.k...I promise I didn't come up with that 'pun' on purpose...Anyway...Michael and Nicolette used to go out when she was hot...and I betcha Michael dumped her because he was on the rise and figured he could nab something better...of course...he couldn't...and now like 10 years later, he's proposed to her...but this time...something's changed...this time, she's a man...how's that fora horror movie plot? In any case...I think the man part somehow suits Michael Bolton just fine.


NiolK said...

She is a total butch. Frai Nic disciplines Mick the pisser. He's no stranger to a strap-on I'll bet.

NiolK said...

That was supposed to be Frau Nic. But I'm sure she's a Frai as well.