Sunday, March 12, 2006

TBLE Lazy Linkage.

Hey guys,
I'm out of town for a day...
So I'll see you on Tuesday night again :)


DrDiSaia said...

I do not really like doing nose jobs but Salma seems kinda thin here. I wonder how many times she has been done. Repeat performances can lead to a really thin schnoz.

Like my medical terminology?

Anonymous said...

and I thought it was her good genes...*sigh*

NiolK said...

If I was ever going to a plastic surgeon I would want one who uses slang terms.

"Schnozoplasty? No problem"

"Tushy Lift? Of course"

"Gazonga enlargement? Thats our fucking specialty!"

Hey doc that last one should be your slogan.

Chandra said...

i love your new subtitle for your blog...very funny!

Elisita said...

haha niolk, what's your nere icon about? confidence in you has skyrocketed all ofa sudden:)
Thanks's stolen from bits and pieces of Morrissey/Smiths songs...:)

NiolK said...

It's a little self portrait I did for my brothers website. Figured a personalised profile pic would be cooler than the other stuff I've had. If you save it as your desktop pic and ask it a question it's stares intensely off to the side. It's amazing.

Elisita said...

Niolk...seriously LMFAO...

NiolK said...

Sorry, I have no idea what that means.

I'm guessing "Lick My Fred Astair Ornament"?

or something involving Fist and Orifice but I'm not gonna go there.

Fuckin sicko.

Elisita said...

Damnit! You mean my last tried and true pickup line didn't work for you? The Fred Astair part normally turns people on every time. You're a little bit too tough for me.

NiolK said...

You had me at "Lick"!

If you'd said Cary Grant it would have been a different story.

P.S. Just googled it. Shut up, I'm a modern boy. I understand acronyms and shit.

Elisita said...

"you had me at lick"
haha. Although you're giving me scary images of Tom Cruise. Niolk...when are you going to set up a rival snark blog :)
p.s. just going through your blog now :)

NiolK said...

NO!!! My secret blog!!

I'd originally intended to just post artwork and shit but I'm just too fucking lazy so behold gibberish that helps me pass the time in work.

I don't have the brain for a snarky blog like this it would most likely come across as pretentious and unimaginative. Also it would totally become the best blog ever and I don't wanna take away from all my fav's.

Elisita said...

I like it.