Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Joan Collins is still giving it a go it's all war paint, botox and some serious hardcore surgery...but the woman is giving it red-hot go...and although her hands aren't keeping up their end of the bargain...this 70-something is not freaking me out half as the "young" Tinseltown gang***.
***see below

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Anonymous said...

This should be a warning sing at the entrance of all beauty and cosmetics and botox salons, captioned as "What can you do against peaceful ageing - so that you end up looking old in a rather freaky way"

Anonymous said...

She looks freaking amazing. The woman is 73.

Unknown said...

what the hell is up with spamming in a blog!!!??

anyway, i'm torn...the woman is 73 and is entitled to do whatever she wants to make herself feel better, however her skin is stretched so tight you can see her veins!

Anonymous said...

I can tell you one thing... we would not even be talking about her if she aged naturally. If she looked just like an ordinary old lady, she would not be able to get any public attention at all -unless she robs a bank or sells drugs.

Anonymous said...

Hi Anon 7.06, if a woman ages naturally, tabloids really do not talk about her. But people who live in her surrounding, who really know her (unlike we know Joan Collins) might admire her for her age. for reaching a mature age with dignity. I know, I know, I am very old fashioned...
If a lady decides to get a high career, she might also decide to age gracefully. Unfortunately, there are far less motion pictures about old people than about young, sexy and lean people. Being old in out of date today. Being natural is not economical. If you age with nature you don't have to use chemical products and various services to defy time.
I don't think the old should look shabby or ill. They should preserve their body, but doing excercises and eating healthy is one thing and using chemicals and surgery is another.
In short: she is disgraceful.

Elisita said...

haha franci...I love're always the voice of quiet crazy reason...

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the compliment dear Elisa. I'm proud of it.

Elisita said...

hehe Franci :) no problem dear.