Friday, January 13, 2006

St John Update

I know you're all secret Angelina fanatics...I also know that you were all annoyed with those bloody old St John ads. Some better shots have come through of her new ad campaign. I could rehash the rumour that she's pregnant...but you know me...I never repeat a story.

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Anonymous said...

Will St. John do a maternity wear campaign to accomodate Angie, I wonder?

Chandra said...

bravo st. john!! these ads are so much better than their old ones. i gotta admit, i was tired of seeing that blonde. when i read in the paper that she was related i was kinda shocked but not. it was like no wonder she's in every ad for the past so many years. i guess once they got the money to splurge on a celebrity, they went for it and they couldn't have picked a better one. angelina looks great in these ads, she seems to have that old-hollywood gorgeousness to her. timeless.

Anonymous said...
