Friday, January 27, 2006

Kidman wants to have Brad Pitt's babies as well

Since when is Nicole interested in the UN? I swear, next thing you know Paris Hilton is going to be prancing about in Afghanistan in a be-dazzled burka looking for landmines... Everyone is trying to be Brangelina...but I don't think they've yet got the memo that Brad's sperm is tied up elsewhere. least N-ice-cole isn't pouring more money into Alientology.

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Anonymous said...

Has The Interpreter already come out yet? The one where she plays a UN interpreter. Maybe that has something to do with it.

Elisita said...

hmm..didn't the Interpreter come out a few years ago? I could be totally insane though...

Jack B. said...

She was so beautiful just a few years ago? Did she really need to OD on Botox and ruin her looks?

Anonymous said...

She needs to lay off the plastic surgery and botox. She looks really old and her skin looks very tight. She also needs to get a different shade of blond or better yet go back to red hair. I thought she was gorgeous in moulin rogue