Saturday, April 01, 2006

Things that go BUMP in the night...Part III

Mischa Barton as photoshopped by the worst photoshoppers in the world: Cleo Magazine.

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big thanks to the hella-hot JustinR


Kitty - The Librarian Fox said...

What the...

J said...

They made her teeth look pretty wonky

Anonymous said...

How the hell does Cleo make even the most attractive people look like aliens? Aliens with brow lifts and botox? Whose skins have melted while they were landing their UFOs, leaving behind shellacked hair and no trace of pores?

And did you notice the resemblance to Alfred E. Neuman?

Cap'n Bob said...

C'mon, really, how do I get those damn images to work? All I get from Imageshack is commercials and confusion.

Elisita said...

really cap'n? shouldn't. what browser are you using. should work with explorer or firefox.

Anonymous said...

They made her head enormous!
Aren't photoshoppers supposed to make things prettier?

Anonymous said...

Wow, even despite the photoshopping her boobs look flabby... and our attention is further drawn to it by the arrow that points directly at Mischa's left nipple region.

Anonymous said...

I think there were ate least 3 photoshop guys who were working on a same photo, but the scale of the photo was random. Guy one, working on Misha's head worked on a 1:50 scale pic, guy two, working on the stomach-chest area used a 1:35 scale photo and so on.
At the end, they merged all enhanced photos, but forgot to adjust the scale.
I speculate this is how such freaks are born.

Elisita said...

haha franci...once again thinking completely out of the box...
love it :)

Elisita said...

yeah, I was reading is that about? Is it just one of those lame one-off quotes that become meaningless when you finally plow through the whole stupid article?

Chandra said...

why hasn't anyone mentioned her right arm??? the top part is like way longer that the bottom part. any way you hold your arm it never looks like that. and the rest of her body looks plastic. how come they haven't been sued yet?

Elisita said...

Seriously...the whole thing is eerily gross.