Saturday, November 05, 2005

Alicia Keys hosts a ball and actually invites goodlooking people perhaps that doesn't extend to Armani...or godawful Usher for that matter. However, in Alicia's defence, she invited two of my favourite models to "The Black Ball"; Karolina Kurkova and Sophie Dahl. No Paris, Lindsay, or Hillary in sight!!! Give me a model over any teeny bopper starlet...anyday. If you invite individuals not known for their intellectual rule is to at least invite goodlooking ones.

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Elisita said...

I love (or rather loved) Sophie Dahl...
Who can forget her opium ad?
I like how she's kinda feline looking.

Anonymous said...

Karolina is one of those few models/celebs who is actaully pretty without makeup. She is way hotter than gisele, tyra, heidi and all those other victoria secret supermodels especially fish lips naomi cambell. Elisa, i usaully think you are right on the mark when it comes to celebs but really, sophie dahl as good looking. She looks like an aneroxic heroin taking prostitute from the streets and she can't dress nicely if her like depended on it. I would bet my Us Weekly subscription and movie collection that she is on drugs. Please don't tell me you also consider kate moss goodlooking

Elisita said...

haha...NO ONE is feeling me on the Sophie Dahl thing? hahaha
I think she's very cool looking...although..admittedly, I thought she looked better when she was halfway through her weightloss phase.
Christina...sorry to disappoint you...but I think Kate Moss is one of the coolest, most effortlessly beautiful models of all time...

Anonymous said...

That makeup doesn't work for her; It is too much for Alicia's delicate features, its more Beyonce's type. Karolina's dress is so pretty - Britney,Lindsay, Xtina,Pamela,Simpson sisters etc. all need to hire her stylist and fire the idiots dressing them.

Anonymous said...

Poor Alicia Keys. That is one hell of an unflattering photograph!

I kinda agree with you on the Sophie thing, Elisa! I think she looks very pretty in that photo. I just resent that she managed to get into modelling by being related to Roald, where any other fat girl would've had no chance whatsoever. (Yes I know she has that story about how she was 'discovered', but it reeks of bullshit.)

Anonymous said...

I like Sophie, especially, as Elisa says, halfway through her heavy-thin phase, but every time I see her, she looks like she's either been stunned with a taser gun or someone has come up behind her and given her a melvin (pulled her underwear up 'er bum!).

Elisita said...

haha...regarding Alicia...I had the choice of her looking cross-eyed (but still nice)...or showing a hairy chest (It's true)...I chose the former :) I like Alicia afterall.

DrDiSaia said...

The older guy might wanna consider a peel or at least some makeup before going out in front of all those cameras.