Monday, November 28, 2005

Saint Angelina Continues Her Work

Well, she's definitely keeping her 'vying for sainthood' image up. She managed to fit in a Thanksgiving Pakistan visit inbetween Mr&Mrs Smith commitments...she's also teaching Maddox to walk. I have a distinct feeling that if she wasn't so beautiful...I would absolutely think she's a phony...and dislike her a lot. I'm such a deep person...not swayed at all by the superficial :)
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Oh...and the 'hip' nanny tagged along too....
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Anonymous said...

She IS a phony.

If she's so caring and all that shit, why is she still looking for mansions to live in and wearing ridiculously expensive clothing...?

Anonymous said...

What the hell is Brad wearing on his head? Some kind of pakistani headgear? Oh, my? He wants so very much to mingle...

Anonymous said...

It would be so TOTALLY AWESOME if they "accidentally" released a sex tape!!!

But they are both famous already and the last thing they need is MORE publicity, so don't look forward to it.

Anonymous said...

Elisita, let me ask you another question: "Why do people in Americas find it so common and normal to adopt children"? In my country people almost don't do that and, please, dont find it offensive, but I dont understand it. The thing about children is not having small sized people at home, but having a part of yourself, or having you and your lover unite tother in one person. Why cant Angelina give birth? What if she gives birth, and HER children will have to live with those adopted and she will have to balance... you know, not to offence them. I really dont undertand her. Sorry for being so serious today )))))

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA!!! "Hip Nanny"!!! YES! You've nailed it once again, elisita. Thanks for always finding the perfect bon mot!

Anonymous said...

puhhh-leeeeze Angie doesn't want to ruin her body by giving birth.

Elisita said...

Where are you from?
Yeah...I'm guessing people prefer to adopt kids from Africa because they feel that they are helping some kids a better opportunity in life.
More cynically, for Hollywood people, it's better for their publicity/image...and don't produce stretch marks :)

Anonymous said...

I <3 them.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Hollywood people adopting kids from poor countries. I dont mind if they do it to avoid strech marks or to gain publicity. This adoption movement results in giving birth to less people which is good for our Earth, which is already overcrowded.
Although I doubt whether adopting is a serious obstacle in further over-crowding.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:08 -- This is not to defend AJ specifically, but I am incredibly tired of hearing this argument.

You can bet that, despite making exceedingly generous donations to the needy, Oprah (for example) is not wanting for mansions, expensive clothing or anything else she wants. Are there really those who look at the millions of dollars Oprah provides for the poor and saying "but she could give MORE"?

Providing charity does not mean giving up all that you have earned (whether deservedly or not). We should provide for the less fortunate as we can, while still recognizing our own entitlement of that to which we have strived to achieve.

While I may not have the money of a celebrity, I am not going to give up my expensive home, my cars, or even my TiVo, when I am already making significant contributions to the needy/less fortunate.

Anonymous said...

PSG, not all people have children just to maintain part of their genetic code. The urge to have children goes beyond passing on our genes and calls to the heart of our desire to make a difference in the world. While I have two (biological) children of my own, I have always felt a strong urge to adopt (nationally, not foreign), and still intend to do so. This is clearly not to a) carry on my genes as I have already done so, b) save myself stretch marks, as I have already gotten them, or c) impress people with my goodness, as those who know me already know the kind of person I am whether good or bad. It is sad to me that adoption would be so rare in your country. I sincerely doubt that it is for a lack of children needing homes.

Anonymous said...

It's not the straight-across, comparing what they donate to what they still have. It's the hypocrisy. As in, how can they live with themselves and their lavish, rich lifestyles ESP. after the poverty they've seen?

How can they expect US to buy their little dabble with generosity (and you know that's what they want so desperately - our adoration, sigh...) when they muddle with the starving, poor, diseased masses and then happily jump right back into their warm clothes, fast cars, and priceless houses.

I'll never take even one of them seriously until they give up their mansions.

Put your money where ya mouth is, Angie Baby.

Anonymous said...

does anyone think brad looks like he is trying to be bono- he needs to stick with blond and i have said this before but i still think angie needs to gain some weight .... she has amazing skin though

Anonymous said...

In the middle pic Maddox is clearly mulling over his plans for world domination.

Elisita said... always make me crack up true!

Anonymous said...

Janae, I still think that wealthy people are just as entitled to their posessions as the poor are entitled to have the assistance of those more fortunate. Bill Gates is the wealthiest man on the planet, and some believe that it is a shame/sad that he has so much while others have so little. But Bill Gates (and his wife Melinda) have made the single largest contribution to any charitible organization in history (at least last time I checked with guinness), and continue to provide vast amounts of money to charity. Sure, they have SO much, but they also DO so much. And they're entitled to as many mansions as they want given their level of income and their level of generosity. Whether genuine or not, AJ donates significant sums of money and time. Possibly because she HAS seen such suffering. Having worked with some of the poorest of the poor in my chosen field (social work), I recognize that there is so much to be done. Yet I refuse to punish my family for our success. We will continue to maintain the lifestyle that we've earned, even though by giving up much we could donate more.

Clare said...

Queen Jolie rules.

She isn't a phony at all.

Anonymous said...

thats angelina. how sweet.

Anonymous said...

she does brad