Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Brangelina play together

These two are hot :) Although...how long is Angie going to be interested in a guy who looks like he could just manage to snaffle Blossom? Fresh Prince of Bel Air-lite anyone?

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Anonymous said...

She looks like a red-lipped Grim Reaper in that second pic.

Anonymous said...

Does she ever wear anything other than black, besides at premieres and such?

Anonymous said...

When are these two going to get what's coming to them for going on national TV and lying to the world about their relationship?

Lying to his WIFE, and to the world, and then proceeding to frolick happily around the world like two wildebeests with their lil babies is seriously pissing me off!

I mean if they wanted each other so bad they should have just said it from the beginning. People that sneak around and then act like they did nothing wrong, like these 2 are doing, make me vewy angwy!

Michael K said...

Those high-top sneakers are so gross

Anonymous said...

Hey Janae, why don't you get over it? They don't owe you, nor the world, anything. You don't know if he lied to his wife, unless you've gotten hold of some secret recording demonstrating this. But I doubt it.

Elisita said...

hahaa...I know what you mean Janae...they've kinda of played out a little high-school fantasy where the beautiful girl in the background takes the jock's heart and the bitchy blonde cheerleader can only scream publicly in the middle of a basketball game when she sees them sitting together holding hands in the bleachers...

o.k...strange thoughts...the only problem is...that most of america LOVE this little cheerleader.

I don't know if he lied to her...maybe he did...but she seems to be using this a career push anyway.

I love Brad and Ange together...but I think J-Anis wil probably be getting the last laugh...

Anonymous said...

I was just watching a rerun of friends from when the show had just begun and jen looked way better with meat on her bones and darker hair. When she started dating brad she lost all that weight and her body looked good but her jaw looked all manly and she went beach blonde. Same idea with anjelina, remember way back when before she started dating brad (2003-2004)she had a nice figure without bieng too skinny especially in her face and her hair was way darker (she still looks awsome even with the chicken legs). Its like every time a girl dates Brad she loses a ton of weight and gets blonder, i think he won't let his women eat or get darker hair so he can slowly turn them into his perfect woman (the obnoxious, untalented gwenyth paltrow)
The same thing happened to his other 2 girfriends- the idiot who wore the cornrows to the Oscars and the other one who i can't remember her name

Anonymous said...

Hey Jadys, why don't you bite me right in the fudge factory? I eat a very well balanced diet so it'll be worth it, you sweet, sweet lady.

Elisita said...

haha..I love blog comment arguments :) Especially when its over Brangelina or TomKat...
Chris...do you mean Juliette Lewis?

Yeah...he shoulda stuck with Gwyneth Paltrow...even though she thought she was too good for him...she wasn't.

Anonymous said...

Arguments are fun sometimes. But you know what, Elisa....I would never, and will never, tell anyone anywhere, to "just get over" something. I believe that is one of the cruelest, most callous, thoughtless, inconsiderate, condescending, mean, unnecessary things anyone could say to anyone.

No one has the right to decide how anyone should feel about anything.

Unless it's me telling someone how much they should enjoy biting me of course.

Clare said...

god i hate you all at times.

Elisita said...

haha Janae...my whole blog depends on readers who don't get over things :)

I'm still mad that Gwyneth ruined Shakepeare in Love...AND got an Oscar for it...hahahaa

Anonymous said...

You are so sweet Elisa!! I don't believe you possess a mean bone in your skinny body.

Stuff like you mentioned are things that are fun not to get over. I mean come on, people need to take a stand! If we don't, who will?!

I saw In Her Shoes last weekend and I'm strongly considering withholding forgiveness towards Cameron for not doing her best in that film.

Elisita said...

Aww...thanks Janae... :) I think I've only ever liked Cameron in ONE film...that being "A Life Less Ordinary"...she actually looks really cool...and Ewan McGregor is just adorable beyond words...
Ever since then she's played giggly roles that drive me round the bend.

Anonymous said...

It's interesting (and so pathetic) how Kevin Federline has been nominated for husband of the year and here's Brad, actually taking on full time dad-hood voluntarily and acting quite the husband to Angelina.