Saturday, November 26, 2005

Mariah Carey wants us to admire her thighs

Who told this woman that she could pose for a cheerleader? Who is buying this woman's music? Who told her that she could pull off a Gwen Stefani-esque wardrobe? I'm asking the hard questions kids...the questions noone else dares to ask...questions that can change the world.

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Anonymous said...

Cash are you mad!!! When you have a gem of gossip like that you dont distribute it for free on blogs!! You release a tell all book!

Now I know I'm running against the grain here and I have nothing against Gwen Stefani but she has the worst dress sense ever! She gets praised for it all the time and yes I'll grant she occasionally gets it right and there's no doubt she's influenced many a pop-slag and wannabe pop-slag but 90% of the time, now again this is just my humble opinion, she comes out looking like Tim Burton's special needs child on LSD.

shoe hound said...

I have four words regarding the ever-annoying Mimi: Thunder Thighs and Ham Hocks.

Love Gwennie and hate her at the same time (skinny bitch)

Anonymous said...

More gossip: she eats babies and actively works toward the death of joy and hope.

sir Al

Anonymous said...

You won't like me for what I am goint to say but if there were only these two women to choose from, I would choose Mimi. She is more feminine and not that abnormally skinny.

Anonymous said...

Mariah's lipsynch was sooo obvious at the halftime game yesterday, she looked ridiculous!!! I hate singers who lipsynch!

Anonymous said...

i don't like either one of them but at least mariah can sing unlike gwen who can't sing a note and copies maddonas awful "music" style and gets way over hyped about it, and i don't think gwen pulls of the style either and both of them look like idiots

sorry, if i sound mean but if i hear "hollarback girl" or "we belong together" another time i will snap

Uncertain Woman said...

I think Gwen is beautiful, no doubt about it. But, seriously, what is up with her? Is she aging backwards? Isn't she a little too old to be morphing into a Latina teenager like in her latest video?

I guess if you look like that you figure you can do anything and get away with it. Seems to be working so far.

Mariah is just sad.

Anonymous said...

Normally I would pick Gwen over Mariah any day but...

I am haunted by that interview Gwen did where she said she was starving everyday in order to stay that thin.

That hurts. I can't back Gwen on this, even though I find her more talented (voice, no, everything else, yes), more attractive, and more stable than Mimi oculd ever dream to be.

Anonymous said...

Oh Mariah, it's such a pity that a Photoshop brush couldn't follow you around in real life.

She's not much worse than Gwen though. I'm appalled that apparently all it takes to be hailed as a fashion icon is to be famous and wear utterly ridiculous clothing that doesn't flatter your figure at all. Does anyone buy any of that shit in Gwen's fashion line? Or her 'music' for that matter?

Anon 227, do you have a link to the interview?

That 30's Guy said...

I am convinced that women are extremely jealous of Mariah Carey. I don't know if it's her looks, her talent, or success. Granted, her cheerleader outfit wasn't the most flattering of choices, but I'm not all that impressed with Gwen Stefani. I'll take Mariah any day of the week.

Anonymous said...

Both look old & fug to me.

Elisita said...

haha...welcome lurkers :)
Well, who knew Mariah and Gwen would be able to incite such passions :) Love it.
My goodness...I take Gwen any day...Ithink she's gorgeous...and her dress sense is whacky...but at least it's not the vomit-inducing "sexy" wardrobe that Mariah tries...ugh.
Besides...Gwen has a hot husband :)
I am so deep.

Elisita said...

cash....I agree with gotta sell a tell-all book!!! I'd buy it for aure!!!

Anonymous said...

Mariah, your new bosoms may wave in the breeze but your face and legs must be strictly covered up!

Anonymous said...

I usually don't dish but that set was a bit of a drag. Doing background on Music Videos doesn't pay for crap and the hours are long. People only do it if its a slow week.

With that said, that Korean guy from DIE ANOTHER DAY was doing background too-- and we're talking "regular background" like the rest of us peasants who were slogging around the trenches for minimum wage. I imagine he either received shockingly poor advice from his agent or he was hard up for cash.

Chandra said...

they both have good voices but they also have wacky dress senses. mariah needs to start dressing for her size. there's nothing wrong w/ big women dressing nice and stylish, but at least they dress for their size. she's very tall and has extra weight and needs to stop shopping in the petite section. for the record, most of clothes she has are nice, just too small. gwen also has very wacky styling. while some of her clothes are nice, most of them look like stylish hobo wear. but just remember everyone if you become famous for whatever...start a fashion line, cause some foolish fan will buy your clothes no matter how silly it looks. :)

Ms. Mika said...

Ok, I'm gonna tell it like is is...Mimi is not fat...she is not ugly...Gwen is not ugly and surely not fat. But Mimi can sing and she built like a woman, mind u she's thick, but that's good too. We need more women to support women who do not fall prey to the media's idea of the saying goes: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. However, most too often we forget this and jump on the media band-wagon of what is and what isn't beauty.

Anonymous said...

I did some extra work on one of her videos and she has a back like a tempurpedic matress- all squishy and soft like a marshmellow. Lots of folds and dents if I recall.

Anonymous said...

More dish from the set of the Mariah Carey video:

-It was directed by Brett "Rush Hour" Ratner and he was mackin' on the ladies somethin' fierce. Most of the female extras were statueseque models so he'd mosey on over, all pudgey and short and unshaven and sporting a tacky scarf, and start whispering to them in hushed, secretive tones. He must have gotten like two dozen numbers.

Anyhoo, I never saw much in the way of directing. The crew would set up the shot, then wait a spell for someone to either find Ratner or Carey, then they'd shoot for a bit. Not exactly a guy with thunderous vision so I guess if you're a fan of those X-MEN movies I'd give up all hope right now.

-American Idol judge Randy Jackson was there. So was Eric Roberts.

-It was shot at greystone manor but I forget the name. It's in Beverly Hills. You've probably seen it before.

-Mariah was very much the pampered starlet with an entourage and camera crew flitting about her. Not much interaction w/ the peons donchyaknow. Her manager was a visible and vocal presence and when he saw someone innoncently brandishing a cell phone, he went nuts.

-Most of the video was shot in slow motion so everyboy had to move extra fast; it got kinda tiring. I started to go spastic for laughs and by the end of it, I was flailing my arms in a manner that make Jim Carey seem restrained. I'll be damned if you can see me though. Never saw the video.

Elisita said...

seeefjayarr...that's funny man!!! is this a video for her new album?
I knew someone who worked on her video...and apparently she canned the whole thing ebcause they ordered the wrong flowers or something crazy like that.
Ms. Mika...I would never tease her if I actually respected/liked her...but Mimi is a delusional egomaniac....she deserves everything she gets (which isn't much) haha

Anonymous said...

The video was for whatever-the-hell-album-that-came-out-recently. The "mimi" thing, I think. The shoot was in February/March of this year.

Elisita said...

haha...don;t tell me you're the modelling guy she runs off with in the 'we belong together'...hahaha
elisa must be 'shake it off' :)

Anonymous said...

I wasn't the modeling guy-- just one of the peanut gallery. I don't know what happens in the video exactly, but the guy she runs off with seemed remarkably non-descript. He just seemed like "some guy" and not striking in any particular way. Maybe it was different on-camera? I think they got him because he was a short as M. Carey.

Elisita said... came across as skinny and weedy on camera...Mariah looked like she's squash him if they ever got it on.

Anonymous said...

Egomaniac people or people who dress...uhm...funny...deserve well to be critized on such grounds, but not on other ones. I agree with Ms Mika.

Anonymous said...

After reading The Single Guy's comment, and I have to wonder, honestly, who thinks Mariah is pretty? She really isn't! She looks like an ape in the face. And her face looks bizarrely bloated all the time. People may be jealous of her success or talent which are undeniable IMO, but her looks? I really don't think anyone but burn victims have a reason to be jealous of that face.

Elisita said...

yeah...I don't really bother defending the "you're jealous" comments. I'm not the kind of person who would tease someone because I'm jealous of him/her...
and I'm definitely not jealous of Mimi...personality or looks!

Anonymous said...

If Mariah doesn't go easy on the cheeze puffs, her next album is gonna be called the Expansion of Miss Piggy.

香草絲絨 said...

Why does Mariah's face always look like a chipmunk with nuts stored in its cheeks for the winter?