Friday, November 18, 2005

Sienna Miller tries to be the Kate Moss-lite of our lives

I rather like Sienna Miller...but someone needs to kindly, but firmly tell her...that she is not, and never will be an adequate replacement for Kate Moss...*sigh*...where is "What Would Janice Dickinson Do" when you need her :)

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Elisita said...

she is indeed...she is indeed...Wizard of Bloody Oz of all things...
check out the sad excuse for a model...

Jack B. said...

With all the outfit she must have, what was she thinking? I'll never get celebrity thinking.

Anonymous said...

kiera "look! i can pout! that's acting, right?" knightley

SO TRUE! I am so sick her lips!!!

But back to Sienna.....I thought she couldn't act. Didn't she get tons of bad reviews for Alfie? So why is she still around!?!? Duh, cause of Jude. She got lucky.

You know, I don't think I've ever bought a Vogue. Now Vanity Fair, that would be scary to have either of them on that.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, I STILL don't know who she is. I can remember her name only because it's a Crayola crayon.

Anonymous said...

She DOES have a "non" quality about her! Like I said in the past, every time I see a pic of her (Sienna), I don't know who the hell she is. She's "non".

I saw trailers of the new movie she's in and I had NO idea who it was til I saw credits. And she wasn't even cute in the trailer.

Lynne@Oberon said...

It is truly scarey how easy it is to be a celebrity these days. And with all of the Z-list 'celebs' around you would think that it would completely devalue the concept of celebrity, but in the twisted universe we live in it seems to just make us MORE hungry for celebrity. Argh! If Sienna Miller is responsible for the death of one more tree so that the celebrity-hungry masses can gawk at her doing NOTHING then it a huge travisty! *Deep breath* That's just my opinion :0)

Anonymous said...

I am not trying to be mean because i like celebrities who actually eat but does anyone else think she has gained some weight(eating to drown her pain) because she is
terrified of jude dumping her for his new sixty year old nanny since he totally strikes me as a mamas boy..... and you know mama's
boys pick out "girls" that are just like their mommies. Hmm, on the other hand it could just be her unfortunate outfit that is making her look bigger than usual?

Elisita said...

yeah...the girl looks really plain with non-platinum hair and no eyeliner...she's totally doing the cropped hair that Kate did around 97 or so.
haha Ginger...a crayola true. :)
I thought she got good reviews for Alfie...I thought she was pretty good in it...although the movie itself was a bit hmmm...

Elisita said...

veggie and WWJDD
I'm SO happy that someone is finally with me on her damned lips...I can't manage to find anyone that feels the same way about them...noone even notices that she pouts? WTF is wrong with people?

Anonymous said...

veggieboo - vanity fair has jumped the shark, it has become the new us weekly. if you think they are not good enough to be on vanity fair than just imagine paris hilton on the cover....wait a minute....

Anhoni Patel said...

Let's comment on this outfit people. What is this thing? Is it denim? Stretch wool? And where are her breasts? A very Kate Moss look, but Sienna is going to have to do a lot more cocaine to fit into those size 0 pants.

Elisita said...

haha...yeah kinda makes you wonder...exactly HOW thin IS Kate Moss? She makes even Sienna Miller in BLACK look big.

Anonymous said...

She's a waif. I always thought that meant a size 0, tall.

Elisita said...

hmm..yeah...but Kate's no exceptionally tal...I think she just pushes past 5'6"

Chandra said...

I'm so happy you are saying that Sienna is trying to be Kate Moss. I am a huge Kate fan and since I saw this girl...I kept thinking "she is so trying to be like Kate." Trying is the key word there. And, if you can get American Vanity Fair there...Kate is on the cover and she looks great!! It has a nice article about her too. I just hope she doesn't get caught in another drug scandal.

Anonymous said...