Thursday, November 03, 2005

Scientology is such a beautiful cult

Is this what OTVII looks like? Is this what is means to have the ability to be at cause knowingly and at will over thought, life, form, matter, energy, space and time, subjective and objective? Wow...lend me $3000 bucks so I can join up!!!

John and Kelly Travolta...or what looks to be their wax figurines, are at some obscure Scientology convention...and aren't they fantastic ambassadors for a 'religion' that tries to purge aliens from ones system.

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Anonymous said...

Ok, read some stuff on that link.......made no sense. I like that one quote though, Scientology is like the story The Emperor with Invisible Clothes. Nobody wants to say it's bullshit because everybody loves this Hubbard guy so they just go on pretending.

Anonymous said...

He's always appeared to be made of wax to me.

Anonymous said...

Scientology summed up in one quote from from Mr. Lafayette Ronald Hubbard:
"Writing for a penny a word is ridiculous. If a man really wanted to make a million dollars, the best way would be to start his own religion." The following year he made his first self-help religious book.

Elisita said...

yeah...the history of Scientology is SO started off as a science/psychology....but he was sued at some point...because all his theories and his gadget (like the emeter) either didn't work or had a brainwashing slant to them...before things got really bad he placed all the teachings under the safe haven of 'religion'...and has been practicing ever since...

Cap'n Bob said...

You're exactly right, Elisa. But if you want to join, you'd better have $300,000, not $3,000. In fact, they'll take every penny you can beg, borrow, or steal and then make you look for more. As for the OT powers they claim you can attain, it's a big, fat lie. Challenge any one of them to display the simplest power over matter, space, or time and they'll weasel out of it with some mealy-mouthed excuse. Like psychics who won't tell you tomorrow's lottery numbers. They can't, and never could. Scientology is the biggest scam around.

Elisita said...'re absolutely right Cap'n. I was watching this interview with this woman on XenuTV (which is down for the moment I think)...and the Scientology crew took $2million from her....
Pretty rough...the poor woman had just lost her husband, and her daughter had become a drug she was pretty vulnerable at the time...

Michael K said...

Are they doing the chicken dance?

Anonymous said...

What kills me is that they put a cross on their building so that they can obtain tax-free status here in the U.S. Scientology has about as much to do with religion as the man on the moon.

Elisita said...

yeah....that's so true's such a money making sham...and the fact that they DO make money is disturbing...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Read "Kindom of the Cults" it's a huge book but read it in chapters! It's wayyyy interesting and has references to each source that backs the book up. I'm on the Scientology chapter right now and it's just insane. Scientology, it states, is the most litigious "religion". It explains how they got to use the cross, history..etc. Good reading!

Elisita said...

hey JM,
that book sounds cool. I love reading books like that...I'll prolly order it in my next book shipment :)

Anonymous said...

I look at them and hear 'If I were a rich man... a very rich man'


Oh, come ON! Tell me you can't hear that song from their poses!

God, these people scare me.

Anonymous said...

I've been in Scientology for 10 years.
I study it a lot and I've worked for it. (Excuse my english... I'm Italian :O).
I can just say that it takes you off your family and interests.
Requires all your time and money.

Elisita said...

hola lib...I'm glad u got out!!!
p.s g'luck with the soccer