Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Britney Spears is 'thinner' than ever

I'll be honest, if I were remotely famous...I would want as much help as I could get...and I probably wouldn't say no to a bit of airbrushing...but this is ridiculous. This airbrush job by Elle magazine is just insane....Britney looks thinner here than she was even before she was pregnant...I mean...it's not like she's exactly been hiding herself from the world for these (seemingly interminable) last 8 months...

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Those thighs are definitely sliced off...


Anonymous said...

That picture is such a crock! Wouldn't it be nice if all expectant moms could drink 1,000 cal milkshakes like they're water, and then have all of the consequential blubber just poofed away. Oh, Britney, someday you will enter the real world, and it is going to bite you in your ever-widening derriere.

Elisita said...

haha...too true...but the sad part...is that it is probably making other mothers (who aren't looking like Heidi Klum) feel bad about themselves...or like they're not doing something right...it's all done to reinforce the celebrity worship...ridiculous!

Jack B. said...

Who does she think she's fooling. Even the most die-hard Brit fans have seen photos of her looking just the opposite of this?

Anonymous said...

What happened to her chin? I know there were at least 2 more last time I saw her!