...others a busy trying to remove themselves from prior tactical-alliance errors. Tori Spelling's hit hard times with her marriage...separating from her husband after a year. .....I wouldn't worry about it Tori...transvestites are wicked popular as 'wife' material these days..especially after Daddy pays your prospective boyfriends a little grease money. You'll find someone new in no time!
Paris Hilton can't even handle the committment required to walk down the aisle is seems... as she's currently having a hard time keeping her hands off her 'record producer' Scott Storch...
While Renee Zellweger appears to have married a gay man.
Yup...Renee Z is filing for divorce from Kenny Chesney listing "fraud" as the reason. None of that "irrenconcilable differences" nonsense for her it seems. They lasted around 129 days. One lawyer claims (along with other less interesting reasons) that Chesney is either gay or has a serious disease that he's hiding. I'm going with the former. Place your bets people :)
Renee Z could make any man gay.
she looks man like there with her brooke shield arms.
Oh my God, these people are cycling thru relationships and marriages faster than ever! WTF is wrong with them??? They have no credibility. None. They disgust me.
Between the violent, disgusting movies they make, the mockeries they make of marriage, and their steady slide towards death by looking corpse-like, I'm sick of them.
Yet I keep readin' about them...oops heehee.
You know, I still think she married Kenny to get back at Jack White for marrying model Karen Elson. And I think Jack is cute and compelling and seems to be one of those kinda game-playing aloof guys that can drive a girl just nuts.
News of their split comes as no surprise. Kenny can definitely do better than Renee. His next relationship will be an improvement, no matter whom it is with. I'm so relieved to finally be able to erase the image of them together from my mind forever!!
FYI. Jack White for married model Karen Elson AFTER Kenny and Renee married.
ohhhh...thx SR!
ohhhh...thx SR!
ohhhh...thx SR!
Crap sorry about the repeats.
The Kenny Chesney is Gay rumors have been around a loooong time. I was stunned when I had heard he had actually gotten married and was surprised Renee hadn't heard them before they got hitched.
yeah...you're right anon 151...I agree with you Ms Violet...it's also hypocritical...because the state with the lowest divorce rate = Massachussets....which also allows gay marriage...go figure.
yeah...celebrities live on like a different wavelength...it's pretty sad to see them...especially when they're old and noone cares about them.
yeah...I don't get the whole "gay couples make bad parents" argument...I mean...surely it's better to have two parents there for the kiddies rather than one?
I think Kenny Chesney looks like a turtle in a cowboy hat.
Renee is an ugly celebrity too, so I thought they made a good couple.
Paris finally figured out that it's better to have a boyfriend who has skin tone to match her favourite colour: pink.
So when is Renee Z. going to be cast as a Holocaust victim? She definitely looks the part.
turtle in a hat! LMAO! I have to say I agree, ginger.
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