If blonde hair and eating disorders are the new black for the under 30s....whingeing and pretentiousness is the new 'it' thing for
I haven't actually read the article, but have it on good authority (from the wonderful sleazyred) that Cameron Diaz has taken to the hip "Let's whinge" fad. Diaz says she will no longer do magazine profiles and goes on to complain about being photographed and how many stories about her are as fake as "romance novels" (I'm sure this simile makes her very intelligent). She then claims that she finds most people and their conversations (which are ususally cenetered around being a celebrity) boring.
Strangely enough though (this apparent discrepancy I'm sure makes her a very interesting person) She appears to make no objections regarding a heap of photoshopped photos scattered throughout the magazine
Yeah, the bikini looks quite photoshopped, actually.
Why on earth would anyone want to cover that?
I love to hate Cameron, mostly because she's the same age as I am, and continuously looks gorgeous and carefree. That's probably why I get sadistic pleasure in seeing the rare photo of her sans makeup and photoshop, looking quite scuzzy. Also, the interview,such as the one in GQ that proves to me that her 'carefree' look is none other than the blank expression that accompanies her not knowing what the hell is going on.
anon143...my god...don't be envious of her!!!...she honestly looks like a complete mess 99% of the time.the 1% is with photo shop...but even photoshop can't fix her (broken?) nose. This wouldn't matter if she was intelligent...but she's not.
A singer named Grant Langston actually wrote a song about her, after passing her on the street and having his bubble burst. :)
Ok, so they're photoshopped. BUT DAYUM! She does a good photoshopped picture.
veggieboo, I'd imagine jackie stallone does a good photoshopped picture too.
Cameron Diaz does NOT look like that. I've seen non-airbrushed pictures of her and I have a better complexion. Whovever hired the airbrusher/photographer got their money's worth.
I must admit, the photos r nice...don't hate. But I know she's NOT that shaply as that bikini shot indicates. I wish I could have all my pics touched up like that! Yeah, baby!
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