Sunday, September 25, 2005

Lindsay has a tough day

Let's face's tough being a little-talent 'it' girl. I'm've got to manage to wake up from your cocaine-haze before 3pm...manage to find your bag with your cell phone (usually under the bed of some random guy's bed) your stylist to sort out your wardrobe (in this case a kind of dress with a built in open/shut curtain arrangement)...get your assistant to sort out what colour hair extensions you'll have for the night, and of course we mustn't forget the staple of the orange tan top-up.

It also requires making on-the-spot, difficult to work out which way to face during the photo-op...most starlets in the little-talent 'it' girl genre, not really managing the brain capacity to go for another technique...ususally opt for the "pick a side and look confident in whatever choice you've made..."

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Today Lindsay got unlucky and ended up with the wall...but the girl's learning and improving each time...and next time...I bet she'll be back for another go in this risky game of chance.


Anonymous said...

She looks like my husband's skinny, 90 year-old grandma. Gah, that poor girl is nasty. (which is sad because she used to be so cute...)

Anonymous said...

I think she's laughing because someone just pointed out that she has her dress on backasswards.

DrDiSaia said...


Remind me never to get you ticked off. I see how you get when you are a'rollin'.


Elisita said...

haha Dr know I could never diss you!!! :)

Anonymous said...

If she were male in that pose, I'd swear they'd caught her urinating.

Ms. Mika said...

That has got 2 B thee worst dress EVER!!

I once was a fan, because she didn't cave 2 that 'twiggy' I said, "I once was fan..."

Elisita said...

haha anon1247...that's so true!!!

Anonymous said...

She always looks so unsure of herself. I really liked her back in the "Parent Trap" days. She's still a kid...she needs to act like one and not look like she's wearing her mothers big girl clothes and needs to keep her hair red. I don't think she understands that it made her look so much nicer!

Elisita said...'re right...i sometimes forget that the she's still a teenager.

Ms. Mika said...

She's a TEENAGER!!!

I NEVER thought that!! OMG, OMG, OMG!!!!

Anonymous said...

Lindsay Lohan is maaaaad ugly, and Bruce Willis tapped that. Slick.

Elisita said...

yup...bruce willis did indeed...I have no idea how though...