Saturday, July 02, 2005

Nicole Richie is faced with a heart-wrenching choice

Hey...I'm back to give you an update on my incredibly exciting life. I'm calling collect...O.K? I've still got a lifetime of like...nothing much to do...I thought...why won't I a bit. And then I was like...what should I do? Should I read like a proper really smart book?And then my fiance was like yo Nicole...Danielle Steele books are like...way long. And I was long? And he was don't wanna know. So I'm guessing they're longer than my 1-month diet at the moment I'm just like...having the BEST time in the newsagents buying these crazy intellectual magazines...they're just like books, but with pictures in them and nicer paper. Have you ever thought of magazines in that way? haha...that's because my mind is expanse!

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Did I mention how much fun I'm having?



Anonymous said...

I think Nicole Richie would say "newstand".

Speaking of Nicole Richie, has anyone ever revealed what she did to Paris to be permanently ostracized?

I'm usually good at seeking out the celebrity dirt but it's been like two months now and I still haven't seen what the offending deed was.

Yail Bloor

Elisita said...
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Elisita said...

hey Yail,'re right about newsstand...:) Hmmm...I heard ( a really dumb) story that Paris and Nicole were having a big sleepover/party and Nicole Richie played a practical joke and swapped the intital video to 'One Night in Paris"...causing a big row. But that story IMO is terrifically lame....haha
Anyone else?

Anonymous said...

Since you're on the topic of Nicole Ritchie...

Can't you see the Mr. Burns resemblance?

Elisita said...

Hey Nadina,
Haha...I see the Mr Burns resemblance!!! I'll try to come with a post on it...with your permission of course :)

Anonymous said...

I'd be honored ;)