Thursday, October 13, 2005

Cynthia Nixon hangs out with girlfriend

Well...I don't see the attraction...but in a world of such faux celebrity-whore hookups such as TomKat, Nick&Jess, Tara and... (oh...that's right...ever since the implementation of that double-double sided have mysteriously stopped hanging around her that much...) it's kind of refreshing to see a Hollywood-unfriendly relationship.

O.K Cynthia..though...seriously, you've gotten some paparazzi shots, we still know you're can stop with the Anne Heche act now...

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Anonymous said...

Eeek! Somebody hand that girl a hairbrush...and some eye glasses!!

ukexpat said...

If I was her ex-husband I would be pretty teed off -- not so bad if she leave you for a hot woman, but for this...pass me that revolved now...

Anonymous said...

Please tell me that is just her blind and intellectually unfortunate aunt Mary and Cynthia is just taking her out for some fresh air?

Anhoni Patel said...

They kinds look like cousins. Kissing cousins, I guess. Sorry, couldn't help myself there.

Glad you finished your paper and are back Elisa!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

good for her!

i mean, seriously, how boring and predictable is it when all these pretty-people start leaving each other for other glossy airbrushed pretty-people? finally, someone who MUST be looking for more than fake boobs and a blank photogenic stare.

shoe hound said...

UGH. I recently saw the SaTC eppy where she is flashing the HOT (gay) guy across the alley. So weird, cuz I kept thinking, she is gay.....Yeah, flash some $$$ and some credo and get a hottie. Maybe she could convince Anne to swing back. I mean look at Ellen's snag, Portia. Check her out in "Sirens": HOT!!

I think that is her mom, aunt, cuz, niece, neighbor, stray bum, pleaze!

Elisita said...'s def. her girlfriend :) She's got a baby with her ex as well!