Thursday, October 20, 2005

Gwyneth Pest-row tries to get some press the only way she knows how

My god...this woman just can't help herself...I guess since she's realised that her ugly mug on a cover doesn't sell she's really going hell-for-broke on an asset she can rely on...her damn complaining. I guess she can't really complain about the U.S...well..because...she did that before didn't she?

No...this time...she's being tricky about it...started complaining about the U.K . She says:

"the customer service is just rubbish in England. People are much more relaxed there, and things take for ever to get done"

"...the British weather is dreadful" and that the London streets are "filthy".

I think a nice, very isolated, impossible-to-get-out-of-island would be a nice compromise for all of us.

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thanks anon for the heads up!


Anonymous said...

She cannot be killed by conventional weapons because she dines on unbilical cords and virgin sweat fortnightly rendering her invulnerable.

In fairness to the moany wench though customer service is apalling in the UK and Ireland, shop attendants are wankers etc, etc and we wouldn't have it any other way because it would make things easier and life isn't supposed to be easy it's supposed to be stressfull and hassle-filled.
As for the weather it's a matter of opinion I love my Irish Winter; cold dark and rainy it wouldn't be Christmas without it. Seriously.

Elisita said...

haha WWJDDD...LOL!
I guess what she's saying is that for her servant-plebs...she prefers Americans that dote on her...but for actual interaction she prefers the Europeans...
she's such a joke...this woman has nothing except money...who does she think she is?

Anonymous said...

Wow, who uses the words rubbish and dreadful and filthy all in a matter of minutes? Must be a british thing.

Elisita said...

she's trying to be patrician or something...

Jack B. said...

She such a poseur.

Clare said...

Ok, how much would it cost to hire a sniper to kill this hag? This bitch is ruining my country. Ok its already ruined but seriously we have enough bitches (see Chav Spice post above) ruining it already without importing a few.

Perhaps if she carries on dissing the mother land (aka England) Madonna who is hoping to be the next Queen will take her out with a yoga chop.

Elisita said...

hehe Sleazy...I'm sure we could all rustle up some cash for the job...I reckon people would ACTUALLY seriously pitch in...

Anonymous said...

I LOVE her she's smart & sexy

Anonymous said...

Hey Sleazyred, what is wrong with you saying "how much would it cost to hire a sniper to kill this hag?" .....?!???? Any why doesn`t anyone remove such a comment - it`s rude and stupid. By the way, Gwyneth rocks :-)