Thursday, June 30, 2005

Michelle Williams really IS knocked up.

Wow...this is no faux baby bump a la Hilton. The ugly girl from Dawson's Creek really is knocked up. I think Heath Ledger is pretty odd looking as maybe the baby will look like a duck with a flat face? I'm sorry little know I'm serious kidding.

Tinseltown appears to be so fecund at the moment. What's going on? I have a feeling a pharmacist that has some serious shares in baby furniture is tampering with people's birth control over there....any pharmacists in Beverly Hills with the last name of Gerber? You heard it here first :)


Anonymous said...

I think Michelle is cute and lovely, and I wish people would stop refering to her so terribly all the time. They make an adorable couple and will probably have an adorable kid. Also, look at Katie "I'm not clinically insane but I can't take any pills because I don't believe in them anymore" Holmes. You really think Michelle is the worse of the two??

Elisita said...

Haha...yeah..who knew birth control could be so difficult? Yeah Ali...I agree actually. I like Michelle Williams much more than Katie Holmes...and for the record...they're both rather weird looking. But Michelle still looks like a duck IMO...which is still a damn sight better than a droopy mouthed, brainwashed alien lover :)

Anonymous said...

Honestly, she is much much prettier and tinier in person than on screen. Also much more genuine than Katie Holmes seems to be.

Anonymous said...

She's so ugly and she's passing her ugliness on to Heath! He used to be somewhat attractive before he was with her, now look at him. He's going to leave her soon after the baby is born. She's going to be a single mom.