Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Jennifer Connelly CAN read.

While we are all still reeling (or probably not) from the "Posh is Illiterate" expose...Jennifer is busy rubbing salt into poor Posh's wounds. She's claiming that she's so good at reading...she can even do it while having sex. The perennially beautiful Jennifer Connelly (currently filming 'Little Children' with Kate Winslet) further elaborates on her accomplishments by saying that she even talks on the phone or surfs the web while having sex with her husband Paul Bettany.

Now...Jen...I don't know what you're reading and frankly...I don't know if I'll feel comfortable calling you up anymore. What I really don't understand is what on earth you and your husband have codenamed 'sex'. I hope this isn't the start of some new cult.

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I say we pitch in and buy her a Sex Ed book (w/ pictures!) she can read her spare time.

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Anonymous said...

And her husband is like, mowing the lawn in their weekend cottage at the same time, I know, I know.

Anonymous said...

she probably has to hold a book in front of her face so that the glare off her albino husband's body doesn't blind her.

Fuschia_rose said...

What? Why the hell would anyone want to say that in an interview?

Anonymous said...

She’s probably just trying to get publicity cos I mean, come on, the woman seems to have no personality at all! So she has to get noticed some way...

Elisita said...

yeah...that can't be much of a boost to poor Paul Bettany's ego can it? I think the man is adorable...

Anonymous said...

I looked in a dictionary under 'multi-tasking', and there was a picture of Jennifer Connelly!