Thursday, August 25, 2005

Jennifer Garner has lowered her standards

I have a slight feeling that I would be a tad worried if the man that impregnated me started taking wardrobe tips from Kevin Federline...and no it the unique touch of the "open-pant leg" doesn't redeem you any. Perhaps Jennifer has realised this slight tactical error, as she is claiming that she is expecting no fairy tale in relation to her marriage to Ben...

That's funny, I always thought faux-pimp daddies wearing oversize beige clothes were what dreams were made of...

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Anonymous said...

Eeeewwwww, look how bloated he looks. And what's that dragging on the floor by his feet?

Ben can look either handsome when he takes care of himself, or he looks like he's going to keel over when he is drinking, smoking & gambling too much.

Anonymous said...

Obviously, Ben is showing us here that 'alcoholic bum on the street' is the new black. Well done.

Anonymous said...

Ben is making a plea to the studios that clearly 20 million a movie is not enough to afford a decent outfit and hat these days, poor guy.

Anonymous said...

Neither one of them look too great there.

Anonymous said...

I understand feeling and being comfortable, but Ben looks like a complete slob. I guess to avoid "hat head", Ben opts for carefully resting his cap atop his head instead of actually wearing it on his head. That or his head has finally swelled.