Thursday, August 04, 2005

Posh and Becks solidify their love

Let it be unequivocally said here! There is absolutely no marital problem that cannot be fixed by mutual tatoos. I mean...with divorce rates hitting all time highs...I don't know why the tattoo-technique isn't being employed on a world-wide scale.

Victoria and David Beckham; never ones to be passe, have undertaken the dual "my tattoo makes absolutely no sense" route...a very wise choice indeed.

"I am my beloved, my beloved is mine" is etched onto both of them...

Image Hosted by is really David...and David belongs to himself and vice versa...nice...that's definitely one marriage saved!!!


Mollie Marie said...

I love your blog! I'm ashamed to admit it, but I get sucked into the tabloid media and your blog is just as good as the magazines at the news stand. Plus, I never let myself actually spend money on that trash, I just stand there are read it for free as I wait to check out. Anyway, thanks for indulging me. I will definitely check in often.

I have a blog at I've had others at and I seem to need to start new chapters every year or so...

Jack B. said...

He's the one who works outdoor in the sun for a living and yet she's the one with the George Hamilton tan. Fake much?

Michael K said...

Posh is turning black before our very eyes

Wizzie said...

Seriously, that guy on the right is trying to steal something from the random old ladies bag!!! GET HIM!!!

(and go to my blog :-D

Love yer blog, I'm a frequent visitor! I just don't make myself known.

Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

What's wrong with her, she looks like an oil slick. She is always so bronzed and shiny, it's nasty!

Lara said...

WHAT IS WRONG WITH VICTORIA?????? Seriously. Look at her face. Or better yet, don't, because it's frightening.

Anonymous said...

did they get the quote wrong? the original is "i am my beloved's and my beloved is mine". your it frequently.

Anonymous said...

it's as if there's a very small black hole in the middle of her head, and it's gradually sucking her face inwards no matter how hard her lips try to resist. i can't explain the skin color though... maybe some kind of pre-mummification treatment?

Sara said...

Cripes, I hope the text of the tattoo is a misprint. If you're going to get something Biblical tattooed on your body, you might want to make sure you're quoting it right.

She's downright frightening.

Elisita said...

haha...I secretly hope that it's them that got the quote wrong...that would be quite amusing :)

DrDiSaia said...

Gee, lemme girl and I aren't seeing eye to eye. Lemme go get my flesh burned into another color to show her how much I care.

It might make sense in a movie, but last time I looked life isn't a movie.


Anonymous said...

Do you think Victoria will tell that bitch who's rubbing up against hubby that some guy is about to get stuff out of her purse?