Monday, August 01, 2005

Jessica Simpson struggles to keep her mouth closed

What is Jessica Simpson trying to do? This is taken (I believe) at the Canadian Dukes of Hazzard premiere yesterday...Is this pose due to a botox session gone horribly wrong? Or is this a 'special' pose taught by her father Joe...maybe even, this a form of subliminal messaging by Jessica i.e..."you watch this movie and I'll keep my mouth open...for you". In any case, I'm not the only one who's noticed...and I'm also hoping I'm not the only one who isn't that interested in her tonsils.

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Anonymous said...

You know, Elisa, that fake, wide-eyed, oh-I'm-SO-pleased-to-see-you expression on her face looks an awful lot like that fake, oh-I'm-SO-pleased-to-see-you expression that flashes over Sen. Hillary Clinton's face oh-SO-often. hmmmm, you don't suppose......NAH, cant be. They just couldn't share the same facial expression stylist, could they?????

Elisita said...

hehe g4g, anon know...that's a very astute observation...they're expressions are very.very.similar :)

Anonymous said...

i'd like to stick my cock in that mouth